Definitions of Individual Volunteer Hours Categories
AARP Annual Day of Service:Chapter participation in the AARP National Day of Service held the second Thursday of each May.
AARP Driver Safety Program: Participation in the AARP sponsored program as an instructor or as an assistant, not as a recipient.
AARP Tax Aide Program: Participation only as an instructor, not as a recipient.
Hunger: Participation in Chapter efforts to fight hunger, e.g. food drives, volunteering at the Capital Area Food Bank, working at church food pantries, delivering Meals on Wheels, and assisting organizations such as Mobile Loaves and Fishes.
Advocacy/Legislative/Information Referral Services: Non-partisan chapter activities supporting the goals and strategies of AARP, your AARP State Office or a local community need. Examples include get-out-the vote campaigns, writing letters to Congress on issues of concern, or hosting a community issues forum. Also most importantly, programs in which the Chapter provides information and referrals to AARP and other
programs and activities of importance to seniors. It also includes the administrative time of Chapter 2426. Officers & Committees and attendance at the AARP Community Council meetings.
Education/Scholarships: Chapter programs designed to identify and financially support the ongoing educational needs of deserving students in the community.
Education/Other: Any other school- or education-based community service activity, such as literacy projects, adopt-a-school programs, tutoring, building a school playground, collecting school supplies for needy children or instructing seniors the use of computer technology.
Fundraising for Community Service: Projects such as bake sales, silent auctions and any other activities that raise money for the chapter’s community service programs.
Health & Wellness: This includes chapter support for events promoting physical or emotional health and other health benefits pertinent to senior citizens.
Long-Term Care/Nursing Home Support: Chapter programs in which members provide friendly visits,
reading, letter writing, etc., for shut-ins, residents of nursing homes and veterans’ facilities, as well as general support for such facilities.
Independent Living/In-home Care/Meals/Repair: Chapter programs in which members provide caregiving and respite-care services, in-home meals, home repairs and other projects designed to help individuals remain in their homes. This includes Elder Care & Caregivers.
Independent Living/Transportation: Chapter programs to provide transportation to individuals who lack the means of getting to and from medical appointments and other necessary activities outside their homes.
Other: This general category includes all other chapter community service projects, fan and clothing drives, Christmas gifts for the needy, and other support for members of the community, e.g. disaster relief or emergency preparedness, outreach to the disabled, etc.
Note: Any of the above activities or services provided to your own family do not count as volunteer hours.
Contact Ed Gonzales at (512) 444-3335 or if additional help is needed.